Monday, March 5, 2012

A remember verse

While I was practicing Mwende's remember verse, John 13:34 with her, Mwelu wanted to say it too. So I broke it down and she repeated in her little two year old speech (sooo cute!). It was the her interpretation of the very last part of the verse that prompted me to make it a Mwelu-ism.

Me: "Love one another"
Mwelu: "ov un anuder"

Me: "You must"
Mwelu: "You ust"

Me: "Love one another"
Mwelu: "ov un anuder"

Me: "Just as"
Mwelu: "us as"

Me: "I have"
Mwelu: "I av"

Me: "Loved you"
Mwelu: "oved ME!"


Friday, August 26, 2011

I can climb!

Today Mwelu discovered her ability to climb. She started by climbing to the top of the changing table this morning and has been climbing in and out of this cubby in our entertainment center for the last few minutes.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding.

We're watching recaps of the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. GMA is showing a clip after the ceremony where the prince and princess are waving from the balcony and share a kiss. Mwelu waves back and blows them a kiss. (Her princess wave is perfect, by the way!)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I know they're coming! She's already a spunky little girl. Here are some pre-verbal Mwelu-isms to get started. I'll include a few milestones in here just to help me remember them. :)

04/13/10 - Mwelu starts enjoying the exersaucer.

05/03/10 - Mwelu starts grabbing for things.

06/05/10 - Mwelu rolls over.

06/14/10 - Mwelu starts "scootching".

07/28/10 - Mwelu starts giving kisses by grabbing my hair on both sides and pulling me to her to give a big wide open mouth kiss.

09/13/10 - Mwelu starts crawling and her new favorite toy is Mwende. She follows Mwende around constantly, climbing all over her when she catches her.

09/16/10 - Mwelu has a little "war cry" when she jumps on Mwende.

10/21/10 - Mwelu discovers how fun it is to pull books off the bookshelf.

10/23/10 - Mwelu likes to chew on Mwende's knee. (She doesn't have teeth yet). Mwende thinks its hilarious and keeps offering it to her.

11/11/10 - Mwelu brushes her hair with a fork.

11/12/10 - Mwelu has a conversation with and kisses her shadow.

11/13/10 - Mwelu takes her first step.

11/15/10 - Mwelu is determined to get on the sit 'n spin. She pretty much just spins off.

11/20/10 - Mwelu takes her first multiple steps (4 to be exact!) at her Grandma and Grandpa's house.

12/19/10 - Mwende grabs my cell phone and crawls as fast as she can under the dining table saying "dada dada dada".